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Study: Organic brown rice syrup may have higher levels of arsenic

While many manufacturers opted for a healthier sweetener and began to use organic brown rice syrup, researchers at Dartmouth College decided to a do a study to determine whether the increased consumption of the product was having an effect on people.

The study showed that the organic brown rice syrup, as well as products that it is in, have higher levels of arsenic. Researchers tested 17 baby formulas, two of which used the organic sweetener.

The two baby formulas that used the organic brown rice syrup showed to have 20 times the arsenic concentration than the 15 other baby formulas. There is currently not an FDA regulation on the amount on arsenic levels in food, but compares the Environmental Protection Agency’s regulation of the arsenic levels in “safe drinking water,” the amount in some products with this ingredient were 6 times higher. This syrup is also used in other products such as energy bars and cereal bars.

If you or a loved one has been injured after consuming an unsafe food product, you need representation on your side at this time. Contact the food product lawyers of Spiros Law, P.C., by calling 217-443-4343.